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In these poems, you will really find a number of symbolism and imagery. Not all images are literal. The reader must look beyond the images and between the words.

These are not my best. So don't laugh! They're kinda corny. Oh man, I can't believe I'm showing you these. Anyway, there were guidelines I had to follow. I wish I could show you the original. Those have illustrations which really accented the poems. So here's the results. Enjoy...

  Warmth And Joy

The robin takes it first flight
Gracefully, it approaches me
Warmth and joy, I feel

Cherry blossoms glow and flourish
As I receive the comfort of a friend
Warmth and joy, I feel

Suddenly, the grounds are covered in violets
Its beauty and radiance spreads like wild fire
Warmth and joy, I feel

This presence of peace I will forever hold on to
Never will I to let go
Warmth and joy, I feel

I wish not for the coming of the singing frogs
Robin, oh, robin, do not fly away; please stay
Because with you, warmth and joy, I feel

-Paolo Manuel, June 2002

  Waiting For The Nightingale

Chirping of autumn cricket is heard
As I see the leaves fall slowly from the dying tree
And I wait for the nightingale to sing

-Paolo Manuel, June 2002


A light of a million mornings I see in your eyes
My soul longs for you - he cries
As the tree withers, so my soul will too
My life is empty, dead without you

My spirit thirsts for the great things you do
I am lost, crazy, desperate for you
I so long for you sweet, warm embrace
A song is played for your radiant face

-Paolo Manuel, 2002