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My Other Sites
My Journal Here's a closer look at what happens in my life. I try to update this ATLEAST once a day. Feel free to post your comments there.
Old Webpage I was a rookie here..still am..so don't make fun!

WIN San Fernando Valley Pictures

My Ate's beautifully made site. Get a look at what happens in her life.
Ate May's Journal
Kristyn's page. Ummm...check it out!
YBIC Website My Youth group's page... memories that last ::sighs::

Praise and Worship Chords Christian chords. For piano, guitar, and bass.
Translator Need help in your foriegn language class? Go here. You can translate a bunch of stuff. English to French, Spanish to Italian, German to whatever and a whole lot more.
Image Search "The most comprehensive image search on the web." Looking for a pic? Go here. It's easy, it's fast, and it sure is fun! (I sound like an infommercial, huh?)
Book notes What's the easist way to read a book? Give up? Don't read it! Read notes instead! It works you guys! I've passed all the units with an "A" using book notes! And it's free! But for those who gots the paypaz, you can buy them too.